Humpty Dumpty and Selley’s Glue

Remember this poor fella?
This one came up on German eBay quite awhile ago and I won it with a small bid (which I did not expect). It crossed the oceans in a rather large padded box but unfortunately it was packed upside down, smushing the only plastic component of the body.

What is this machine you ask?

It’s a Deluxe semi portable. Personally I don’t know too much about this make and model, and I can only recall one other Typospherian (Mr. writelephant) that has met with the Deluxe.
It’s a beautiful machine, and has really interesting features to it. It was disheartening that a perfect specimen got smushed like that, so I put it away with the other to-be-fixed-ones.

Lo and behold, on my weekly trip to the supermarket this two part Selley’s Plastics and Toy Glue caught my eye. I grabbed a pack, stuffed it into my bag, basically ran to the cashier, demanding him to just take the money already.

First part of the glue is a plastic primer that looks very much like a mini chisel marker. Drawing it on is heaps easy and dries immediately.
The actual glue bit is just like any other super glues you have out there — slather the tiniest amount, line the pieces together, then hold them together reaaaaaal tight till the pieces hold. Other glues might take up to a minute for the glue to grab and hold, but not Selley’s.
How’s the *ridiculous* time of two seconds sound?

Gluing Humpty Dumpty together again only took 3 minutes or so. :)

The pieces do line up pretty ok, but the break lines from fine shards of plastic make it quite visible.
I’m thinking of getting a plastic filler then sanding it down and repainting it might work. The carriage screeches and jams quite badly, so it’s back to the shelf for this guy for now.

I’m really happy with this glue and wish I had this sooner! Alrighty, I’m just getting prepped for the next Etsy Pop Up Market on the 20th of July, so I better go and keep cracking on!

Thanks for reading guys :)


  1. Nice work Nat. Believe it or not all those typewriters, including the $275 “Boxy Deluxe” all sold – or at least they’re not on display in that antique shop anymore. :)


  2. Ooooh! You should visit one of those shops where they sell and build those tiny trains and stuff! They have lots of glues that probably work even better than this one. And quite a lot of other interesting things too, even for typewriters. ;-)


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