Productive Saturday

It’s rare that I experience such a Saturday where things get done.

Woke up at 6:30 as it was my turn to walk my girl.

I have been testing a new mesh chest piece for her because she just spazzes out and lunges. She has been really good so far but she does walk a little slower the usual. Still really stubborn with her persistent sniffing though.

After the walk we got to the front door and I notice Ori’s gaze locked on to something. It was black thing across the street, perhaps a cat. I shoved Ori into the yard and walk across to see if the animal needs help. Turns out to be this lost cutie patootie:


He let me carry him like a baby into our spare room and was very eager for any pets. The little peanut kept flopping belly up and just leaning his very teeny body against my legs. I may or may not have 30 photos of the little guy on my phone.

We dropped him off the vets and later on in the week we found out he had been dropped off at the pound. I hope his owners got him back…

After that I went to a cafe opening. It was really official with *two* ribbon cuttings and got some nice snaps. The cafe was OK, interesting location but the iced coffee I had was terrible.

Upside: I got smoothered by the cutest pink puppy for a whole 5 minutes :)

Later that afternoon we went to collect this mammoth of a shelving unit.

We had to help the sellers shift the unit up and down a truck they had borrowed, which was really nice of them. (They also had two uber friendly dachshunds.)

It is a custom made unit from a home salon, made by boilermaker of a husband, perfect display shelf for my typers. *Finally* something typewriter related! A small part of the machines now reside in the living room, I’ll get you an updated picture once I have them all up ;)

To round off the day I got around to organising some of my art supplies in the newly appointed ‘Art Room’. I am hoping to return to more hands on crafty goodness later in the year, it has been awhile.

Uh, as you can see.. It’s more dog filled than productive, but it’s nice to finally have the house things coming together. :)

Now that was last Saturday. Unfortunately I can not say I have had the same experience this weekend – it has been a shade of poo and full of Netflix TV series… I think I finished almost two seasons of a new show.

Habby Ostralian Dae!

How’s it goin’ guys? Finally, a typewriter related post! Well, just a little one. When we were in Hawaii I had a short list of places that I wanted to go to. We nearly didn’t get any time but I’m super glad we made a tiny bit of time to get to Home Depot! 2015/01/img_0729.jpg It was 5 minutes of bliss. Well, 5 minutes was definitely not enough time. I grabbed a roll of faux leather shelf liner and bolted to the check out and stuffed myself back into the car to get to the airport! Now I wished that I had more time to get other things… like rubber washers. Ah wells. Today I finally got the time to cut it into pieces and stick it on a Adler Mod.32 case – the ledge that holds the back of the case together broke off. Liquid Nails did an awesome job and it’s holding together beautifully. I can’t quite say the same for the tobacco and mould stained cover. The liner is not adhering to the wood as well as I thought it would. :( The edges aren’t staying down and the middle sections seem poofy and shifts with effort. I’m letting it settle for a night to see if it helps. Might slather some Liquid Nails in the middle and edges, and I’m confident the final result will be great! 2015/01/img_0726.jpg I cooked something to celebrate ‘Straya Day too – Deconstructed Carbonara Fresh pasta, garlic and onion cream sauce, bacon bits and a microwaved poached egg. :D 2015/01/img_0728.jpg Other than that I’ve been a little busy with work and a couple of small design projects for friends down south… which I should get back to. Thanks for reading, hope you’ve had a fantastic day!

Humpty Dumpty and Selley’s Glue

Remember this poor fella?
This one came up on German eBay quite awhile ago and I won it with a small bid (which I did not expect). It crossed the oceans in a rather large padded box but unfortunately it was packed upside down, smushing the only plastic component of the body.

What is this machine you ask?

It’s a Deluxe semi portable. Personally I don’t know too much about this make and model, and I can only recall one other Typospherian (Mr. writelephant) that has met with the Deluxe.
It’s a beautiful machine, and has really interesting features to it. It was disheartening that a perfect specimen got smushed like that, so I put it away with the other to-be-fixed-ones.

Lo and behold, on my weekly trip to the supermarket this two part Selley’s Plastics and Toy Glue caught my eye. I grabbed a pack, stuffed it into my bag, basically ran to the cashier, demanding him to just take the money already.

First part of the glue is a plastic primer that looks very much like a mini chisel marker. Drawing it on is heaps easy and dries immediately.
The actual glue bit is just like any other super glues you have out there — slather the tiniest amount, line the pieces together, then hold them together reaaaaaal tight till the pieces hold. Other glues might take up to a minute for the glue to grab and hold, but not Selley’s.
How’s the *ridiculous* time of two seconds sound?

Gluing Humpty Dumpty together again only took 3 minutes or so. :)

The pieces do line up pretty ok, but the break lines from fine shards of plastic make it quite visible.
I’m thinking of getting a plastic filler then sanding it down and repainting it might work. The carriage screeches and jams quite badly, so it’s back to the shelf for this guy for now.

I’m really happy with this glue and wish I had this sooner! Alrighty, I’m just getting prepped for the next Etsy Pop Up Market on the 20th of July, so I better go and keep cracking on!

Thanks for reading guys :)

Brothers Grey


The foot and time has finally let me into the shed to clean a Royaluxe 400 and a Olympia SM3 up.




This Royaluxe came pretty clean and both knobs oddly removed. I suspect it was from a tinker’s home — The slugs were immaculate, the innards looking pretty as pie, the fabulous type feel. The keys needed quite a clean, and remedied a few naggy problems. The dead zip on the case is something I can’t fix, so there need to be some hunting for a simple solution.

It’s turned out to be a really steady, snappy machine, and proving to be a formidable typer!

grey olympia




Dumb me thought I’d scored a white Olympia SM3. I basically kicked myself laughing when I opened the case up.
Like most light coloured crinkle paint machines this one had the case of “sweat spots” (as I like to call it). The yellowed touched-most-areas took awhile to scrub off, but the overall light greyness is very, very nice. This is also the first lower SM series that does NOT have squashed rubber grommets. They look like brand new!
Oh, the platen looked like it had been sandpapered quite severely. I did try to raise the alignment to get a flusher print for a couple of hours… only to realise that there was no way to raise it as much as I wanted because there was another mechanism part that sat in the way, and I had to adjust it back to where it was originally. Hopefully there’s some bike tubing that I can get tomorrow.


I’m very glad I got to do something typewriter related today. Now I just have to get going on the letter stack. It’s really embarrassing that I haven’t actually typewritten a letter since last year…. and it’s June already! There’s a new machines that I’d like to blog about, but that’s what a backlog is for, no? :) (I think I’ve had some machines for nearly a year already and not made it to the blog!)
Oh yes, thanks for all the well wishes guys: the foot is still recovering. A bruise developed about a week ago, and is still there, covering most of my ankle in a weird blueish hue and causing some worry. It was two weeks ago that it got the slidey-widey, and the recovery is awfully slow. I think watching the FIFA World Cup doesn’t help either. The whooping Netherlands gave to Spain was sooper fantastic, and I couldn’t help put hobble jump with Van Persie’s crazy header!

Wooookay, it be time for bed now — thanks for reading guys.
Hobbling onwards!


Owwie :(





25 things in 250 days

Hope this holidays has been good to you.

I’m getting around the backlog of everything this long weekend — TV shows, laundry, blogging, chores, typewriter cleanings, you name it! Jumping straight to today’s post:

This post was typed out ages ago on Scarelette (red Corona 4) and the ribbon advance decided to play up. Switching to Lyla (lavender Corona 4) who had a really odd same spot mid carriage jam as seen in the attempted typecast below didn’t seem too clever an idea.

Ugh that blotches!

I wasn’t happy at all with the typecast and then spent the next couple of days giving the escapement area a good clean, and basically kicked it into submission. The carriage works perfectly now, just haven’t quite had the chance to pound out a good typecast just yet…

Anyway, back to the 250 days thing.
There’s a thing going around the Internets — set a number or goals and aim to complete them in a certain number of days. It’s a wee bit like new year resolutions with a ticking dateline. I’m not sure about you, but most of my past new year resolutions dissolved by March.

The bandwagon asks for 100 things to be done in 1001 days, but 100 things seemed like quite a feat. I barely made the 25 things that I would like to do by the end of the year, most of them are little “to-try” and “to-make” things.

The list is here: 25 in 250.

Would love to see your lists if you have one!
Meanwhile… enjoy the chocolate wrabbits and egg squashin’ hunts guys.