Brothers Grey


The foot and time has finally let me into the shed to clean a Royaluxe 400 and a Olympia SM3 up.




This Royaluxe came pretty clean and both knobs oddly removed. I suspect it was from a tinker’s home — The slugs were immaculate, the innards looking pretty as pie, the fabulous type feel. The keys needed quite a clean, and remedied a few naggy problems. The dead zip on the case is something I can’t fix, so there need to be some hunting for a simple solution.

It’s turned out to be a really steady, snappy machine, and proving to be a formidable typer!

grey olympia




Dumb me thought I’d scored a white Olympia SM3. I basically kicked myself laughing when I opened the case up.
Like most light coloured crinkle paint machines this one had the case of “sweat spots” (as I like to call it). The yellowed touched-most-areas took awhile to scrub off, but the overall light greyness is very, very nice. This is also the first lower SM series that does NOT have squashed rubber grommets. They look like brand new!
Oh, the platen looked like it had been sandpapered quite severely. I did try to raise the alignment to get a flusher print for a couple of hours… only to realise that there was no way to raise it as much as I wanted because there was another mechanism part that sat in the way, and I had to adjust it back to where it was originally. Hopefully there’s some bike tubing that I can get tomorrow.


I’m very glad I got to do something typewriter related today. Now I just have to get going on the letter stack. It’s really embarrassing that I haven’t actually typewritten a letter since last year…. and it’s June already! There’s a new machines that I’d like to blog about, but that’s what a backlog is for, no? :) (I think I’ve had some machines for nearly a year already and not made it to the blog!)
Oh yes, thanks for all the well wishes guys: the foot is still recovering. A bruise developed about a week ago, and is still there, covering most of my ankle in a weird blueish hue and causing some worry. It was two weeks ago that it got the slidey-widey, and the recovery is awfully slow. I think watching the FIFA World Cup doesn’t help either. The whooping Netherlands gave to Spain was sooper fantastic, and I couldn’t help put hobble jump with Van Persie’s crazy header!

Wooookay, it be time for bed now — thanks for reading guys.
Hobbling onwards!


Owwie :(





Easter Olympias

Hey guys! How was your Easter long weekend?
It’s ANZAC long weekend this week, so better smash out last week’s musings before I put up a heap of pictures from the ANZAC parade.

The four days over Easter was a good break for us, and the weather had been delightful. It rained on Friday and I spent the day on the couch catching up on sleep and shows. The rest of the days had be quite dry, which is a good change from the sweltering humid heat Darwin is well known for.

Saturday seemed like a good day to clean typewriters so out came the Olympias — SM2, Splendid 99 and a SM7.

Please excuse the terrible pictures, I had my phone in a zippy bag.


The girls that have Pinkmett  now returned my Olympia SM2 Big Black Boy that’s in the big black case. Not too much of a fix or clean, but does anyone know how to fix an odd case of double backspacing? I think it might be a spring issue, but it’s not too much of a worry.



This Splendid had quite a fair bit of surface rust – enough to hinder the typebars from impacting the platen. A soak and scrub seemed to have helped… oh my goodness, there was heaps of gross stuff in this one. Eggs and poos of all kinds and even a live silverfish, meeep.

Life of a case-less machine, sigh!



Not sure if you can see it, but the grill area of this pink SM7 has sprouted a mild case of mold. The keys were pretty grimy too.


Post dunk Splendid


Just hangin’.


Re-felting the insides is always fun :D


Pah my poor typing.
I really am pleased with how this one turned out, and fixing the ribbon vibrator and bell spring in 20 minutes was some-what an achievement unlocked. Oh yus, thank you Scott for the help! :)



I got this pink SM7 quite awhile ago, maybe it was 5 months ago? It arrived with a stuck carriage shift which moved back into place with a shove and help with some spray. The body and innards cleaned up very nicely.
It’s the first later model Olympia SM’s I’ve laid hands on… I can see why people rave about them. The aesthetic value of this machine paired with responsive typebars that remind me of ninja chops. Quick snaps of deadly force from the pretty un’!

The platen on this machine has the tell-tale gridmarks of a used machine. There is a sad story to this machine too – I think it was dropped on it’s left side in some point of its life. The back of the machine is slightly warped and the left hand knob turns off-center. Nothing is hindered mechanically, so I just left it as it is.

Big things are happening, and I’m on a mad rush to get everything ready in time.
Will tell more soon, have a great week guys! :)


Typewritten on the quiet Thummper, black Olympia Splendid 99

Wish List

Darn this heat, urgh… Can’t write proper anymore!

Currently on the table.

Thanks for reading my whinge binge.
I know I should be content with what I got but I still have a couple of machines on my wish list to go. It’s up on the top bar if anyone can help.

It’s sooooooo hot today that the cold water from the tap feels hotter than the hot water tap. (And our hot water is set quite high!)

Ugh. Time for me to be bogan and lie on the tiles.
Typed on Olympia Splendid 33, long overdue for a makeover.

Presents for the Typosphere!

Well, it’s not really presents but I think it’s pretty handy — User Manuals!
Here’s scans of 8 original user manuals I’ve managed to get, with web friendly versions available. If you’re using this other than personal use please credit it back to this blog, I’ll really appreciate it.
Click on the pictures for the direct links!

User manuals as listed:

  • Oliver Courier Portable
  • LC Smith & Corona Portable 4
  • Underwood 18
  • Olympia SF De Luxe
  • Olivetti Lettera 22
  • Royal 240, Sprite
  • Sperry Rand Remington, various later made models.
  • Olivetti Valentine



Oliver Courier SCP4

Underwood18 Olympia SF Olivetti L22

Royal 240 RSR Olivetti Valentine



Oliver Courier SCP4

Underwood18 Olympia SF Olivetti L22

Royal 240 RSR Olivetti Valentine